Thursday, 19 April 2012


The amount of; pardon my french (even though it's not french), bullshit in the fashion world today is sickening! We live in a society, in which we can't wear what we want without being put into a certain stereotypical dresser or style group. For example, I go out into town with some close friends wearing my Brook Doc Martens, some opaque tights, dip-dyed rough shorts and a white jumper and get called a 'wannabe hipster'. My reaction to this was simply, 'wow'.
This outfit for example, I love as a simply everyday look, but if I walked down a street, people would tag it as something, as they would do to say, someone wearing a pair of nylon tracksuit bottoms and some scruffy nikes.
I also recieved my 'Dutchie' bicycle today, which I am, in love with, fo' sho'. I rode it in the rain in my oversized school shoes and a very large long jumper and got the most amazed look from a man walking his two bulldogs. He was looking at me like he'd seen an elephant riding a bloody unicycle!
Of course, when it comes to fashion, there are always going to be stereotypes, from 'chavs' to 'poshboys' from 'hipsters' to 'wannabes', but all you have to remember is what you think looks good, and everyone else can take a look, have an opinion, and deal with it.
Anyway, on to the positives.
J'adore (now there's some French) ripped hems, dip dye, tie dye, tassels, stone-washed denim, bleached denim, dark green, lace and studs at the moment.

If I could pull these outfits off I would wear them until they fell apart.